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Friday, January 8, 2010

Everything's A Fight

Why does it seem that everything I say
Starts a fight between us in some way
Why does it seem there always has to be
A big disagreement? What's wrong that I can't see?
One of us has to be upset, if the other makes the wrong move
Is it that we like to fight or do I not fit in your groove?
How come we can't, when we need each other, give kindness and love
It seems like every time I try to help I feel mentally shoved.
Can't we work things out some how? I can't go on like this
If we can't get along maybe the "We" shouldn't exist.
I know there is a way to resolve this issue
And if we can't find it, maybe this path we shouldn't persue.
Are you trying to run me off or am I just not good enough
For a guy like you that seems a little rough.
I don't know what it is, but we need to find the reason
Or soon we will both be physicologically beaten.

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