Welcome to Elaxi's Poems Blog

Hey, thanks for dropping in. Each poem in this blog is a small piece of my life. I hope you enjoy reading my poems as much as I do writting them. Feel free to leave feedback. Thanks for visiting!

Friday, January 22, 2010


I was excited,
So Was He.
We talked about it
Filled with joy.
He liked to see me
so happy
He would do anything
So I could go.
The day came
and I had a way
To go to the chance
Of a Life time.
My Body shivered
From excitement
I did all I could
To have that Chance.
Then the very thing
I depended on
To take me there
Never came.
The sadness, Grief
And disappointment
Was The only thing
That greeted me.
No Happiness.
No chance to change
The life I was living.
My questions,
And dissapointment
Were all I knew.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Life's Struggles

Lifes a struggle every day
No matter who we are
Or what we think, or do, or say.
We're like unto a car.
Even if our wheels go flat
We still must push on,
Changing the flats as we go
Before our time is gone.

Every struggle that we have,
If passed, only strengthens us
And every trial we overcome
Just helps renew our focus
Of what path we are on today
and where the path is going.

So if we don't like the path we're on
We can change by showing
That we can turn around
And go the right direction
Because without the chance to change
We will ne'r obtain salvation
Or the chance to overcome
And our life, to see it through.

Our choice is now to decide what we are to do;
Push through lifes struggles and
To what you are stand true
So in the end you can be strong
And bid your sorrows adieu.

Everything's A Fight

Why does it seem that everything I say
Starts a fight between us in some way
Why does it seem there always has to be
A big disagreement? What's wrong that I can't see?
One of us has to be upset, if the other makes the wrong move
Is it that we like to fight or do I not fit in your groove?
How come we can't, when we need each other, give kindness and love
It seems like every time I try to help I feel mentally shoved.
Can't we work things out some how? I can't go on like this
If we can't get along maybe the "We" shouldn't exist.
I know there is a way to resolve this issue
And if we can't find it, maybe this path we shouldn't persue.
Are you trying to run me off or am I just not good enough
For a guy like you that seems a little rough.
I don't know what it is, but we need to find the reason
Or soon we will both be physicologically beaten.

Together 4 Eternity

Every time I see into your eyes
I feel that love that, in your heart, abides
And every time we kiss or embrace
It feels like our hearts are interlaced
When we hold hands, I feel that love
You give me strength like the wings of a dove
I love you so dearly and hope that you know
And sorry if times, it doesn't show
'Cause I feel God has put us together, You and Me
And how happy I am that we are together
For now and All eternity.