Welcome to Elaxi's Poems Blog

Hey, thanks for dropping in. Each poem in this blog is a small piece of my life. I hope you enjoy reading my poems as much as I do writting them. Feel free to leave feedback. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Will You Be Mine?

The life we have shared
Has been so great,
Though we've had our times
Of fights and hate.
We've shared the good
and shared the bad.
We've laughed together
and cried when we were sad.
We shared the joys
and disappointments.
We've brought each other
many happy moments
We can be one,
Our lives sublime
For now and for always
Will you be mine?

A Troubled Heart's Prayer

My heart is so heavy and Troubled
Oh, what can I do?
My family, they hate me, it seems,
And my Boy friend too.
I finally got work but the bills can't wait,
They are piled to the moon.
Oh, Heaven, please help me know what to do?

I want, no more, to be a person untrue
But with the constant reminders of the passed,
What should I do?

I try so hard, or so it seems,
I run so fast but I am on a treadmill.
I'm alone in my sorrow.
No one know how I feel
Except You, my Lord.

Can I not feel love, or am I blind to it now?
I am so sad and don't know
If I can be happy anymore.
I am week but with you I can be strong.
I am incapable and without you,
I am unable to be helped.

My mind is weary, my heart is faint.
How can I go on?
It seems there is no way out,
No light at the end of my tunnel, just darkness.

Oh, God. Give me light
Give me hope and the strength to carry on.
Give me peace, erase the unrest
And sorrow that I feel.

Oh, Heaven, please help me.
Guide me this day
That I may cast my burdens away
And know you are here to help
And comfort me.
This is my troubled heart's prayer.